How to write observation, reflection, outcomes & extension
Planning and Programming Hub
This website can serve as a tool to assist educators and FDC services in meeting NQS 1 (Educational Program and practise). It provides outcome based activities for all ages as all the experiences are targeted towards achieving EYLF goals (outcomes and sub outcomes). Every activity comes with a complete pack with observation, reflection ( on what the child is learning), extension ( next activity to consolidate the skill learnt), link to EYLF, and evaluation to provide a comprehensive understanding for educators and families. We also clarify how educators can intervene to direct the experience towards achieving the specific outcome.
Mission Statement
This website simply assists educators with programming and planning and how to intervene to support a child's learning by providing observation, reflection, links to EYLF outcomes and extension. I believe that educators in Australia and around the world are doing a tremendous job by supporting children in their early years . This time of life plays a vital role in developing children's personality and nurturing the skills that make them stand out of the crowd. However, despite providing a spectacular and nurturing environment, many educators struggle to document the magnificent exposure and the skills the learning experiences boosts and promotes and this is where we step in.
As a teacher, a child care educator and as an educational leader I have full command of EYLF outcomes and NQSs. I want to create a network of knowledgeable educators by providing them with ideas to create a nurturing, stimulating and welcoming environment for all children. My unique programs incorporate a variety of educational theories that reflect a children's best interests and allow for hands-on, experiential learning. These activities will build educators' capacity to plan and program stimulating developmental activities that meet the national law requirement fully.