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We can help you have a vivid imagination and see the connection building your capacity in the area of programming.
Pop it through the tube:
Harry is playing with a paper towel roll. I asked him if he wants to have more fun with the long roll. He looks at nodes and me excitedly. I took the roll from him and stuck it to the wall with a sticky tape. He looks at it excitedly. I then put a big plastic bowl underneath the tube and give him pompoms. I took a pompom and dropped it down the tube. Ali looked at me excitedly wow. He then took a pompom and dropped it down the tube. I let him have fun on his own.
Reflection: This activity is good for learning cause and effect (If there is no hurdle the things will drop down from the above).
Extension: the child can be guided into learning colors through the same activity: let us drop the green pomp om first oh wow….Then with the same activity they can be taught numbers of now we got two in the bowl. Let us drop the third one…
EYLF outcomes: 1, 2, 4
Evaluation: This activity may promote the understanding about cause and effect, which is an integral part of the world we live in (outcome 2). Besides child connects with resources to build his learning and develop a knowledgeable identity (outcome 4 and 1).